69 changes that Indians want in India.

By unswamy Feb 17, 2019 #69 changes #India

71 years have passed since India became free. Since it was freed from the clutches of the British till today, India has come a long way in terms of growth and development. Like it is said, “There is no rose without a thorn”, India too has its own set of problems here is the 69 changes that Indians want in India.

1. Women Safety! Respect Women.
2. Corruption-free India!
3. Every girl should have the Right to Live (no female infanticide), Right to Education and Right to Marry (no honor killing).
4. Good Governance.
5. Free and efficient healthcare for all.
6. The retirement age for politicians.
7. Control over black money.
8. Proper enforcement of laws.
9. Stricter measures for population control.
10. Reformation of the education system.
11. A clean India! Proper garbage and drainage system.
12. Improved road network with no potholes or broken roads. All the villages should get ‘pakka’ roads.
13. A streamlined traffic system.
14. Investment in technology to improve drinking water quality.
15. Agriculture should be encouraged and modern agricultural techniques should be used.
16. Stricter laws should be made for unnecessary use of private vehicles; usage of public transport should be made mandatory wherever possible.
17. Power and water supply in every part of the country.
18. A mandatory education qualification should be fixed for politicians too.
19. Equality for all. Say no to the reservation!
20. Controlled inflation.
21. Employment for all!
22. The police should be well-equipped and there should be more accountability.
23. Employment rules should be strengthened in both the public and private sectors.
24. Care for the environment. Every Indian must plant at least one tree.
25. Say no to beggars. Begging is one activity that strictly needs to be discouraged and abolished.
26. A change in the mindset of the people is highly required. The way they look at the society, social norms and individuals need a changed and a sensible approach.
27. Proper disaster management system.
28. Hassle-free government procedures.
29. Poverty eradication.
30. Increase production and usage of products that are ‘Made in India’.
31. Solar plants and rainwater harvesting system should be established at maximum infrastructures.
32. Unnecessary expenditure on travel and other things by politicians should be controlled.
33. Lavish expenditures on organizing events on different occasions should be controlled.
34. A language check over the politicians.
35. Biases on the basis of religion, caste, creed or gender should be eradicated.
36. No wastage of food anywhere. More helplines like 1098 should be started.
37. Special economic zones should be constructed in not only metro cities but also every small city, so that people do not have to migrate to the metropolitan cities for employment.
38. More playgrounds for children.
39. Adulteration should be controlled and organic food must be easily made available.
40. Equal education and employment opportunities should be provided to the transgender.
41. Job security for all.
42. Media should be more responsible.
43. Punishing fake godmen and god women who beguile people in the name of God.
44. Exploring presidential or other forms of government.
45. Encouraging entrepreneurship among youth.
46. Setting up more educational institutes for agriculture and related studies.
47. Reverse brain drain.
48. Implementation of Uniform Civil Code.
49. Balanced urban and rural development.
50. 100% literacy rate.
51. Respect for all cultures, religions, and genders.
52. No communal disputes or riots.
53. More fast-track courts to resolve legal matters quickly and efficiently.
54. Putting a stop on unnecessary expenditure on election campaigns.
55. Complete abolition of child labor and child abuse.
56. Indian politicians need to refrain from being offensive and abusive, be it in social media or reality.
57. India must change its attitude towards debate and give up the policy of disruption.
58. Active participation in politics from the educated class and the youth.
59. Society should accept sexually abused victims as normal human beings.
60. More Wi-Fi enabled zones.
61. Well-organized emergency services at accident sites.
62. Removal of unnecessary taxes.
63. Cutting down the extravagant benefits given to the politicians or the people in power.
64. Improving the conditions of slums.
65. Shelters for stray animals.
66. Affordable home facilities.
67. Cleaning of all the rivers in India.
68. Doing away with the “Chalta Hai” attitude.
69. Promotion of Indian Culture.

These are just some of the changes that we would like to bring in India. However, the suggestions from the readers are welcomed for whatever changes they would like to see in India.

But we as Indians need to understand that to bring a change in the country, firstly we should bring a change in ourselves.


Credits: https://www.mapsofindia.com

By unswamy

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